陈云(1905.06.13-1995.04.10),前中共ZY副主席,伟大的无产阶级革命家、ZZ家、思想家、书法家,杰出的马克思主义者,中国社会主义经济建设的开创者和奠基人,党和国家久经考验的卓越lingdao人,是中共第一代、第二代核心lingdao成员,即以毛泽东同志为核心的党的第一代ZYlingdao集体和以邓小平同志为核心的党的第二代ZYlingdao集体的重要成员,著有《陈云文选》第一、二、三卷。(后附中共第一代核心lingdao成员照片)。陈云和毛泽东、邓小平等lingdao中国人民站起来、富起来、强起来,极具国际影响力。陈云为香港回归中国和保持香港繁荣与稳定贡献巨大。Chen Yun (1905.06.13-1995.04.10), former Vice-Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, great proletarian revolutionist, politician, thinker, calligrapher, outstanding Marxist, founder and founder of China's socialist economic construction, outstanding leader of the Party and the country, is the core leader of the first and second generation of the Communist Party. The leading members, namely the first generation of the Party's central leadership collective with Comrade Mao Zedong as its core and the important members of the second generation of the Party's central leadership collective with Comrade Deng Xiaoping as its core, are the authors of Volumes 1, 2 and 3 of Selected Works of Chen Yunwen. (Attached are photos of the first generation of core leaders of the CPC). Chen Yun, Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping have led the Chinese people to stand up, become rich and become strong, with great international influence. Chen Yun has contributed greatly to Hong Kong's return to China and to Hong Kong's prosperity and stability.
陈云作品拍卖记录:2013年西泠秋拍,陈云手迹关于成立中国国际贸易促进委员会的信札,引起场内外激烈竟拍,以235.75万元高价成交。2017年7月,陈云一幅手迹拍出了612.5万元高价。Auction Records of Chen Yun's Works: In Xiling Autumn Festival in 2013, Chen Yun's handwriting letters about the establishment of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade triggered intense bidding both on and off the venue, with a high price of 23575,000 yuan. In July 2017, Chen Yun took a handwriting at a high price of 6.125 million yuan.
陈云书法风格端庄朴实,雄健浑厚,苍劲老辣,凛然大度,气势宏伟,为世人景仰!该手迹是陈云85岁时书写给夫人于若木的,内容为“不唯上、不唯书、只唯实,交换、比较、反复”,现收藏于陈云纪念馆。陈云一生坚持真理。“不唯上不唯书只唯实”,是陈云的至理名言,最早提出于1937年,充满唯物辩证法,奠定和丰富了中共的思想路线,这一思想将永远影响中国与世界!Chen Yun's calligraphy style is solemn and simple, vigorous and vigorous, vigorous and vigorous, magnificent and magnificent, which is admired by the world. The handwriting was written to Mrs. Yu Ruomu when Chen Yun was 85 years old. Its content is "not only on the top, not only on the books, but also on the facts, exchanging, comparing and repeating." It is now stored in the Chen Yun Memorial Hall. Chen Yun insisted on truth all his life. It is Chen Yun's wisdom that "not only books but also facts" are the best words. It was first put forward in 1937, full of materialist dialectics, which laid and enriched the ideological line of the Communist Party of China. This idea will affect China and the world forever.
该手迹用笔老辣,意境古朴深邃,字里行间闪耀着真理的光芒!此藏品更是思想与艺术的瑰宝,珍品中的极品,对比陈云书法拍卖纪录,此藏品升值空间巨大,值得抢着收藏!据专家预测,陈云书法价格将呈几何极暴长!The handwriting is old and spicy, the artistic conception is simple and profound, and the lines in the handwriting shine with the light of the truth! This collection is also a treasure of thought and art, the best of the treasures, compared with Chen Yun's calligraphy auction records, this collection has a huge appreciation space, it is worth collecting! According to the experts'prediction, the price of Chen Yun's calligraphy will grow rapidly in geometry.
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